Rooted in Faith ~ Growing Together



Preparation Classes

Information and registration for theses classes is available from Sr. Kathy Flood, OSF - Pastoral Associate  302-475-6486 extension 120.

Baptisms are held at 12:30PM on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. Please contact Sr. Kathy Flood, OSF - Pastoral Associate   302-475-6486  ext 120 for more details or to register for a baptism.


First Reconciliation and Eucharist

After two consecutive years of Religious Education, children in 2nd Grade or above may receive the Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist. Preparation includes parish sessions for parents and children. Special arrangements are made for children above the 2nd grade.  Information and registration is available through Margie Fiorella, Director of Faith Formation 302-475-6486 extension 122.



After at least two consecutive years of Religious Education, students in 8th Grade may receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Special arrangements are made for children above the 8th grade.  Information and registration is available through Margie Fiorella, Director of Faith Formation 302-475-6486 extensions 122.


Anointing of the Sick 

The Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament of the Church in which the priest prays, lays hands and anoints the sick person with blessed oil.  Anyone who is dangerously ill due to sickness, injury or old age may be anointed. The sacrament is for serious mental or emotional illness as well. The rite states clearly that a person should be anointed at the beginning of illness, or before surgery whenever a serious condition is the reason for the surgery. The anointing may be repeated if the same illness or condition becomes more serious. Often a family may wait until an individual is in their final moments to request the Anointing of the Sick. It is truly best to make arrangements to celebrate the sacrament while the person is living, as the sacraments are encounters between a living person and God. If you would like to celebrate the sacrament contact Sr Kathy Flood, OSF - Pastoral Associate  302-475-6486 extentsion 120 or   

Please make arrangements at least one year in advance of the desired date. Please contact Sr. Kathy Flood, OSF - Pastoral Associate 302-475-6486 extension 120 for more details and schedule a wedding date.